Home Studio
- Dell Dimension 8400 PC (3 ghz Pentium IV, 1gb RAM, 150 gb RAID level II disks)
- Sequencing & Recording Software: Musicator Delta
- M-Audio Audiophile 192 Sound/Midi Card
- Mackie Micro-Series Mixer
- Yamaha Motif-Rack ES Sound Generator
- Line6 POD Pro
- DBX 215 Graphic EQ
- Really Nice Compressor
- Roland GI-10 Guitar-Midi Interface
- Tannoy Passive Monitors
- Applied Research & Technology Power Amp
Comments: In May of 2005, I upgraded a number of items in the studio. All of my recordings since then were done on this setup. It fits in a cabinet that was designed to be a desk & computer workstation. It covers up nicely, permitting me to keep this is my living room without too unsightly a result.
