2003 Gibson Les Paul Special Faded Double Cut

Maker: Gibson USA

Bought From: Musicians Friend

Comments: I bought this in July of 2003. I've never really been able to warm up to regular Les Pauls -- probably because they are SO heavy. The Juniors and Specials are much lighter, and the 1950's originals pre-saged the SG-variants that came in the 60's. I also already had a lovely Gibson with Humbuckers (my ES-347).

This guitar (obviously a quasi-reissue of sorts) was appealing because of the smaller, lighter body and the P90 pickups. It has a very distinctive tone -- no one would mistake it for a Fender, even though the P90s are single coils. Nor does it sound as one might imagine a Gibson to sound. With the P90's and the mahognany woods, it really has its own character. It has bite, has a subtle, almost slightly nasal quality, and can really snarl when cranked.

It's actually quite a reasonably priced guitar as well, -- WAY under $1,000.